Profile picture of Pinzhen Chen

Pinzhen Chen

I am a postdoctoral researcher in School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh. I am a member of the large machine translation group, EdinburghNLP, and Institute for Language, Cognition and Computation.

I work on the High Performance Language Technologies project: translation system pipeline, data cleaning, evaluation, and model deliverables LLM instruction tuning: multilinguality, reasoning, and alignment and occasionally contribute to UTTER on multilinguality and multi-cultrual evaluation.

I also go by Patrick or 陈品桢. Last updated on 21 June 2024. [ | Semantic Scholar | Google Scholar | GitHub | Hugging Face | LinkedIn]





I enjoy travelling, cooking, and doing photography. I sometimes play badminton, basketball, as well as board and card games.

Thanks for reading this far. Here is the reward for reinforcement—photos of my cat Luckie.

Picture 0 of my cat Luckie Picture 1 of my cat Luckie Picture 2 of my cat Luckie Picture 2 of my cat Luckie